
About Jonathan Shurberg


Note: If you are looking for a more in-depth bio, click here. My Wikipedia page will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about me - from where I went to high school to the names and ages of my kids. For those of you (hopefully most!) who are more interested in my content and only wandered here out of curiosity, read on!

Who is the man behind The Scramble? I am a lawyer, politician, community activist and Democratic Party partisan from beautiful Silver Spring, Maryland. After suppressing my political humor for a year while running for State Delegate, I started this blog to publish my unfiltered thoughts about Maryland politics. I began posting in March 2015 - a perfect time, as Barbara Mikulski had just announced that she would not be running for reelection. The maelstrom of news gave me plenty to write about - and brought readers to my blog in droves. In a month, the site received 10,000 hits. In four months, it has over 40,000 views. My goal is to deliver fresh, interesting content to my readers - and I’m always looking for tips. To get in contact with me, leave a comment, or email me at [email protected].

2 thoughts on “About

  1. […] Jonathan Shubrerg, the man behind the Maryland Scramble, a Maryland-based political blog rooted in Montgomery County, attended the Sierra Club environmental forum and posted the video of each of the candidates, including Liz Matory, who reportedly arrived a half hour after the forum began and announced she was a CD-8 candidate. […]


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